Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Hi everyone,
and love and respect to all! Emoticono smile
Things continue to develop, and I thought it a good idea to post this message I just sent to someone who has an interest in DDLR/Bartitsu, but seemed somewhat less-than-satisfied with the training he had come into contact with.
Everyone does their own thing, and good luck to them-
but my genuine hope is that we can all learn from each other, and push things forward, and keep up with the demands of the changing world we live in.
We can all work with, inspire, inform and ultimately benefit each other.
Everyone has their part to play and something to offer.
This 'thing' we're involved in is not 'my thing' or 'your thing', but just a 'thing'-
and it behooves us- in this short life- to do that 'thing' as well as possible! Emoticono smile
Hi Dave, thanks for getting back to me. Yeah, we need everyone for the whole package; researchers, SPORTS researchers and STREET researchers! For me, the manuals etc. provide a solid framework and philosophy for me to build around- but ultimately it's what works, and has worked, for me and others in real fights (sport and street) that counts. Pure theory and imagination is no good when we've actually got someone trying to hurt us.... I think you'd like the stuff I'm getting together. I've had an 'interesting' life, shall we say (!), and the primary aim of what I'm doing is for me and othes to be able to avoid or survive the types of things I've seen (and been involved in) in the past. 'Defense dans la rue' isn't a style or a piece of history for me- it just means 'defence in the street' in French! Emoticono wink My secondary interest is good, healthy sporting competition and 'play'; everyone can benefit on so many levels by doing some wrestling, or boxing or juitsu etc. So, I aim to provide something which can be of value to active sports fighters, totally inexperienced people needing genuine self protection and personal security strategies, and everyone in between! Emoticono smile My approach is no-nonsense and progressive and honestly there will be nothing quite like it out there. I stress I am developing an APPROACH and not a system. Staying safe is staying safe, and fighting is fighting, whatever name or 'package' we give it. I draw from all useful sources and actively want other people to help me out with this. I wouldn't mind giving classes, courses and seminars, etc.- but this on the basis that I genuinely help people and only need a bit of $ to eat and put back into my training! Emoticono smile I'm planning to compete and really pressure test in all of the constituent arts of DDLR (I've got my first white collar boxing match soon!), and if I can get the small business loan I'm after, will be looking to get a load of kit, including stuff for doing realistic scenario drills and simulations with padded assailants. Everyone involved will have input and a say in what they actually want to train in. Everyone is different, and I honestly aim to make my work world class. I'll keep you posted... Emoticono wink

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