Wednesday, 19 August 2015

I am currently in the process of developing some courses and starting a club/group, to explore, test, develop and teach a methodology/philosophy/approach to the combat arts, that will span the two 'worlds' of sport/competition/play and 'street'/'battle'/self defence.
Something like the old fight schools/academies/guilds (I'm not too hot on the history- someone else can correct or confirm my terminology! Emoticono smile ), or like an MMA club that includes weapons, multiple combatants, 'foul' tactics etc., and simulates
every conceivable type of fight, attack or threat one could face inside (or especially OUTSIDE) the gym...

I will, in effect, organise and run this project,
but it will in every way be an open forum;
a kind of laboratory where anyone and everyone (that is civilised, disciplined and respectful) can share or partake of the different skills, abilities, insights and experiences we all have.
To this end, I will strive to organise for 'experts' or 'masters' of specific combative fields; boxing, wrestling, jiujitsu, weapons, security/military etc. to visit and teach elements useful to us.
An ongoing study of real-world violence and criminal assault,
backed with the experiences of what has worked and does work for us and others in both 'consensual' and 'non-consensual' combat will drive, shape and focus our work.
As Steve Morris says,
'The fight is our teacher.'
We aim to keep ourselves safe, by keeping it real....

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