Wednesday 26 August 2015

'Modern Antagonistics' Two-handed Umbrella/Stick method

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Here is how a handsome chap like me might be waiting in a public place.
Normally, I would aim to have my back covered by some sort of obstacle, and/or at least will periodically 'scan' my surroundings, keeping my chin tucked behind my shoulders as I turn (this might seem like 'overkill' or paranoia for the average person; but working in rough nightclubs, making dangerous enemies and later staying in homeless shelters and -briefly- in prison made me adopt a 'better safe than sorry' default setting!).
Note the hand grip on the umbrella handle, with the weapon constantly ready for deployment.
It's no good practicing to use a weapon, if it's not ready when needed!

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Here we envisage me being approached by a suspicious character, a drunk or a beggar.
This we refer to as 'situational control'; my aim is to keep a person I don't feel comfortable with from coming into touching distance of me.
Generaly in these situations, I will use a deep and assertive/aggressive voice, and speak very brusquely to someone (often slipping into a 'street' London accent or slang! LOL).
'What do you want?'.   'Nah, mate'.  'I'm not interested.'   'Yo, back up!'.  'Cha, stay f**king away from me blud, I swear down'.  'Trust me, move from me!'    Would be the kinds of things I've said, if my aim is to keep someone away.   This'll only work if you can actually seem like you mean it, and you must be prepared to back up 'the act', if it doesn't work.
An important point is that, wherever possible, I myself will be moving away from the person, seeking space and angles- NOT confronting them or acting the tough guy.
I do this, because I genuinely DON'T want problems, and so my movement has these purposes 1) Just to avoid/escape conflict/trouble/conversation. 2) To guage the person's intent. If you tell a stranger you're not interested, 'give me some space' or whatever, and you're trying to move away with your hand in a universal 'no' or 'stay away' gesture, then that person following you or pressing things means that at BEST they are an annoyance and have no respect for you and at WORST they wish to rob or harm you and are trying to close in. 3) If witnesses or CCTV see me clearly looking to avoid trouble, and stating to someone 'fucking stay back!' or 'No!', with my hand up, then it puts me potentially having to defend myself in a favourable (lawful) light.

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From the grip I had on the 'brolly' (umbrella!), I've been able to naturally swing the instrument into my other hand.
This could be done with subtlety and deception or urgency, leading straight into an aggressive thrust and forward or angling escaping movement, or 'acting' like a wild animal or a madman (which you may be, anyway! LOL) and using the position and threat of thrusts/pokes to deter or keep a criminal at bay.

Again, as with everything- movement (both defensive and offensive), and awareness of space, possible secondary/flanking attackers and any escape routes or obstacles you can use are paramount (when we're not just talking about 'dojoself defence' or calmly posed photo sequences! ;) )

A note on the grip; this bayonet-inspired method is the one I practiced, when I was living constantly around dangerous situations, and getting in fights habitually (I've grown up, now).
Real pressing need tends to 'burn' things onto your brain (as does high repetition and/or high intensity training), so even though I'm fully aware of and have practiced the two-handed Vigny method etc., I know full well when I'm scared and adrenalised, I'll 'default' to the grip in the photos.

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 Keeping chin down and elbows up, alongside footwork and force delivery/impact generation are the the elements that boxing contributes to this method and photo sequence.

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A long thrust/poke, keeping chin tucked and 'looking up through the brow'.
Realistically, a blow like this would have most power if employed with a 'drop step' or lunge, hitting the criminal just before the lead foot hits the ground.
When it's not possible to step, owing to distance or perhaps a slippery surface, a detailed study and practice of force generation methods from boxing and elsewhere are essential.

(Although simple movements delivered with real intent and vicious purpose to end an attack tend to generate some force, without special training).

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 Either a block, a shove, or a 'bar smash' into the face.

Note my expression; you have to imagine and envisage these training situations are real- as they MAY ACTUALLY BE someday!

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The 'butt smash' I learned in the good old British Army!
Used with a rifle (or an umbrella, a stick, a shovel or whatever!), this blow can be thrown forwards, or for me it's best served turning and hitting someone to the side or behind us (real criminals often aren't alone, or they may try to 'blindside' or ambush you)

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 The same thrust as before, using the tree for the purposes of my own and your imagination!

Which then can move straight into....

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A savate low kick to the knee, thigh or shin.

I aim to keep myself fairly well covered, here.

This 'combination' attack can be used with either the thrust and then the kick, or the kick first and then the thrust.

The whole method I've developed here is just designed to react aggressively and positively to a situation that is not of our choosing (an umbrella against 3 crackheads?! LOL), and our aim would be to smash ourselves some space to escape- constantly be aware for this and seize the opportunity straight away- or to drive/deter the criminals back/away.

Extreme aggression, ruthlessness and rapidity of action are the key.

From 'scumbag number one', I perceive his pathetic mate from my peripheral vision/scanning (which only come with lots of daily practice- the adrenaline tends to (literally) narrow our vision) and turn....

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.....aiming to destroy his knee joint or drop him.

Either way, one of these.....

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You can't really see from the photo, but it's the 'butt smash' from before.
The picture gives the impression of the move being sedate and pretty static;
in reality, I'd be gritting my teeth and grunting/barking/'oos-ing', as I aimed to smash his teeth in and knock him down.

 (Again, the sequence of the kick,smash can be reversed, the key is that these blows flow together, from the biomechanical standpoint, and set each other up, tactically.   We're working on the 'high/low' principle;
the opponent is covering/reacting/focussed on a high strike, and we attack low- and vice versa)

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If things go as well for me as in this photo sequence (never any guarantee of that- AT ALL!), these idiots are slow to realise they've done their job badly.
I could probably escape by now, but one of the f**kwits is close to me, and I'm hitting him as I get out.

The bar smash with the brolly is more to clear space, or in this case blind him....

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 ... for the kick in the nuts, or push kick to the abdomen which are coming his way.

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Showing a sort of high guard I modified, to be able to cover from blows, yet still be in a position to give or return fire.

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A high, ready guard when turning to the side or rear.

My boxing coach tells me that 'a good offence should always have defence built into it'
(and I guess the opposite is true, too)

Back at home, 'coz it started raining!

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A savateur showed me this sport combat combination (although using a jab punch instead of a stick thrust)

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 I've turned on my side and a conga drum's appeared!

The boxing jab or stick thrust sets up a (poorly posed!) coup de pied bas from savate.

The kicking foot then steps out to the side (angling off).......

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Back to our friend, the chasse bas.

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Finishing with 'thrusty-thrusty'!

In the French Boxing combination this guy Laurent showed me, a right cross would follow from this outside angle.

I've not tried this last combination out at all (except in my mind, in the air and on trees and tires!),
but I'm going to my first savate class tonight, so I'll be looking to work this in and test it thoroughly over the coming weeks (I'll convince some boxing and wrestling buddies to let me kick them in the knees, too- and see if I can stop or at least lower the rate of me getting punched or clinched/taken down. Jon Jones seems to get savate to work for him!)

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Turning, stepping off at angles, keeping low, covered and poised, elbows up, chin down, using peripheral vision and scanning for threats, obstacles and escape routes we can use, being extremely ruthless and aggressive (this is a desperate situation) and hitting anyone you don't like who comes near you.


This is not all glamourous action stuff, nor is it pretty 'martial arts' that works by magic.
It's designed as a emergency survival method, and is predicated on awareness, deceptiveness, aggression, simple power shots and AN URGENT NEED TO ESCAPE OR DETER A CRIMINAL THREAT.

It may not work (nothing always does)- so that'll cross it off some people's list (probably the sorts that imagine their 'arts' to be 'superior' to the rough, vicious and frankly cruel reality I've lived and seen).

Hopefully, there's something there that'll be of value to someone else,
and might give them some % or edge, both in their physical, technical and mental preparation and- heaven forbid- in a real attack.


Just to note, as people will no doubt get bored of hearing (though it needs stating, to differentiate myself and my ideas from the 99.9% of 'martial arts' or 'self defence' people out there) I previously lived a very chaotic number of years, in which I hurt people myself many times, was hurt a few times but more importantly lived around and was involved with gangs, drug dealers and users, prostitutes, alcoholics, people with mental health issues, illegal immigrants, thieves, beggars etc.etc.!  I was a soldier, then a bouncer, then did security for illegal raves and squat parties and finally ended up on drugs, on the streets and in the shit (!).

The reason I stress this, is because my life for a long time involved criminality, violence, threat and uncertainty at every moment of the day (literally).

I had 'issues' myself, and made many enemies who often wished (and were capable of) seeing me hurt.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I have hidden, avoided and even left towns on several occasions, when faced with gangs/groups of people have been seeking me out............and not to give me flowers!

I've seen how criminals, victims and survivors operate, and the many, many different things that work (and don't!), and can compare studies that other people have made- from the world of the military, law enforcement and security- with what I know to be the grim and often bizarre reality.

I- unlike 99.9% of 'martial arts' or 'self defence' people- don't deal in fantasy, theory or wishful thinking.

To this end (I'm wrapping up, don't worry!), I will clearly state in my work and teaching/courses
WHEN something comes from what I've used effectively on the 'street' (or on buses, in libraries, nightclubs, squats or homeless shelters etc.!), when it is something that other experienced people I trust have used effectively, when it's something I've seen up close, when it's been seen many times in footage of real criminal assaults and fights, when it is something that I and others have used in combat sports against a live opponent, or when all I've been able to do is 'pressure test' something against non-compliant (possibly armoured/padded) people who are there specifically to f**k the technique up (and maybe me, too!), rather than just 'let' themselves be defeated like a 'good training partner'!    (You know what I'm referring to)

From the methods in the sequence above;

I have used the situational control literally hundreds of times, and have hit pre-emptively dozens.

I have used psychology, acting and movement (based on a suspicious awareness and habitual tactical
positioning) to deter, escape and deal with countless situations.

I have hit one person with a stick and another with an umbrella, but not as above.

I have kicked one person with a chasse bas to the leg (a 'stop hit'), and several with either front kicks or- my favourite (!)- the kick to the nuts ('coup de pied pointe')  (I have kicked/stomped quite a few people on the floor, but that's for a different 'lesson'!).

I have fought and survived multiple opponents a few times, but not without the odd scar (don't mention my missing teeth!).

All of the elements of my method/approach NEED to be sound (I don't want to encourage false expectations in people, of what they CAN and CANNOT do), so I'll be honest and say that, as a 'seamless' method- the one above is composed of stuff so basic, common-sense and functional that I've no doubt it can work, but that it hasn't been individually pressure tested (yet) as much as I want to.

I'm working on a small business loan, and will buy lots of equipment so I can get padding and armour (and not hurt training partners)- as you never REALLY know until you put all of this stuff (and yourself...) under genuine pressure.

A hard, commited two-handed stick thrust is something (I've been told) is even forbidden from Dog Brothers competition, and smashing training partners faces, balls and knees is avoided!

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