Saturday 5 September 2015

'Grip fighting is about being the first to establish a controlling grip on your opponents wrist/fingers or the end of his sleeve in some way (one or two hands) that prevents or checks him from getting a counter grip on you with the same or other hand or closing with you .And then from that position of control establish a second grip if necessary from which to gain further control of your opponents body to make a throw or take down . All of which of course needs to be done with the idea of controlling your opponents positional alignment and balance without allowing him to control yours .In other words you must not let him put a hand on you even for a fraction of a second from which he can gain control or threaten you position and balance in some way . Thats why its called a hand or grip fight and the closer you let your opponent get to you the easier it will be for him to establish the first grip or a 50/50 counter grip .Spacial recognition , positional relationship , timing ,dynamic balance , draws , traps , evasive skills etc etc are just as important in hand fighting as they are in more open stand up striking positions ...'
Steve Morris

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