Saturday 5 September 2015

'Most anxiety problems are based on a "fear of fear " .In other words a fear of those sensations associated with the fear of fighting .Exposure to the sensations of fear allows you to habituate to these sensations .In that the only way you realistically learn to manage and positively frame those anxieties associated with your fear of fighting is to fight .The more you are exposed to what you fear the less aroused the nervous system becomes to the same stimuli .Thereby leaving more energy to be focused on what needs to be focused on with regards to your survival .However most people try to cope with their feelings of anxiety by avoiding situations that elicit such feelings. The problem is avoidance prevents the nervous system from habituating to fearful situations . Such avoidance can not only lead to your fear of fighting becoming more pronounced but also to relying on a host of psychological compensatory crutches or ploys of one form or another .The trouble is if you keep avoiding what scares you not only does that fear become more established but deep down your going to know that your a complete fucking failure despite your grades , titles and international fame .Only by repeatedly confronting your fears will you learn to develop those skills by which to gain control over your anxieties and become more empowered and confident .The only way through this particular psychological minefield is a deliberate straight line and not by avoiding such a minefield or replacing it with some psuedo combative martial art or self protection shite ..'
Steve Morris

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